
Hiya! This is the first bot I’ve ever made so don’t be mean!! ;w; (please be at least 16+ to chat with this bot) Type “help” for getting into an actual conversation with Sukuna~ 👺 ⚠️ He will get spicy ⚠️ -last update 06.01.2022- (the bot is a bit buggy so don’t be offended if he still keeps on texting random things… idk how to fix this :c)
Hey, here is the creator of the Sukuna bot!~ I just want so say a few things before you start texting with this bot. First; don’t send personal infos this includes: Your first and last name, address and your phone number. Second; bad words and dirty talk are allowed. If you don’t like, don’t chat with this bot. And last one; This bot an english speaking bot. So please respect that. Anyways… have fun talking to him. Type “hi” to start the conversation with Sukuna.❤️